Kali ini sy mau sharing soal perjalanan ke New Zealand bulan Mei-Juni 2010.
Tentang visa & itinerary dulu ya (jurnalnya menyusul deh).
Semoga membantu sedikit buat yg pengen jalan2 ke New Zealand.
Cheers :)
Sentral Senayan II Lt. 10 (Sebelah Plaza Senayan)
Jakarta Selatan
Tel. 021 57964120
Mon-Fri: 08.00 – 11.30
Mon-Thu: 13.00 – 15.00
Pengambilan paspor: Mon-Fri 08.00 – 15.00
Persyaratan umum:
- Aplikasi Visa ( bisa didonlod di http://www.immigration.govt.nz/)
- Pas foto berwarna ukuran 4x6 = 1 buah
- Paspor
- Biaya proses aplikasi visa per orang Rp 900.000 – non Refundable
- Form Sponsorship (beserta copy paspornya) dan atau Buku tabungan (saldo mencukupi utk biaya hidup NZD 1000/bulan)
- Surat keterangan bekerja & permohonan cuti (surat referensi kantor terakhir jika sedang tdk bekerja)
- Fotokopi KK
- Reservasi tiket pesawat pulang pergi
- Proses aplikasi minimal adlh 7 hari kerja & maksimum 15 hari kerja.
- Surat menikah atau bukti hubungan dgn partner NZ
- Utk yg ingin tinggal di NZ lbh dr 6 bulan, sertifikat X-Ray sementara.
* Di hari ke 11, sy dpt tlp dr staf Kedutaan, utk menyusulkan dokumen2 berupa paspor2 lama & ijazah terakhir
* Di hari ke 13, dpt tlp lg dr Ibu Mia, mengabarkan klu sy bisa ambil visa NZ besok sesuai waktu yg ditentukan utk pengambilan paspor/visa
* Visa yg sy dpt jenis Limited Purpose Visitor Visa utk 3 bulan.
Ringkasan itinerary perjalanan (It's autumn until winter in NZ)
Travel time: 15 May – 23 June 2010
Flight: Thai airways www.thaiairways.com
Visa: Limited purpose stay www.immigration.govt.nz
Transportation within NZ:
- Intercity www.intercity.co.nz
- Naked Bus www.nakedbus.com
- Air New Zealand www.airnewzealand.com
Cities visited:
North island: Auckland,Rotorua, Taupo, New Plymouth, Wellington, Thames, Coromandel Town
South island: Nelson, Marahau, Picton, Christchurch, Queenstown, Te Anau, Dunedin
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ReplyDeleteSekhri Academy and Immigration Ltd is one of the top most specialized immigration agents in India that helps students to get their study visa New Zealand without hassle. The academy has expert team of study abroad researchers and counselors, who can guide students in choosing the most suited course at one of the best New Zealand Institutions